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UTAH Accidents

Age Adjusted Death Rate Per 100,000


Utah Accidents age adjusted death rate ranked by county. Latest CDC data is used. The interactive chart can be used to rank county death rates from low to high and high to low to add perspective to your research. CDC release date 12/22...

Created with Highcharts StatesUtah
Created with Highcharts Juan 1. Duchesne 2. Emery 3. Wayne 4. Grand 5. Juab 6. Millard 7. Carbon 8. Beaver 9. Uintah 10. Piute 11. Sanpete 12. Sevier 13. Garfield 14. Kane 15. Tooele 16. Box Elder 17. Rich 18. Wasatch 19. Iron 20. Washington 21. Weber 22. Salt Lake 23. Summit 24. Utah 25. Cache 26. Morgan 27. Davis 28.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Final Deaths 2021 Release Date 12/22. Some Counties may be Suppressed.