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USA Parkinson's Disease

Age Adjusted Death Rate Per 100,000


USA Parkinson's Disease age adjusted death rate by state. Latest CDC data is used to compare and rank each state. Use the interactive chart to rank from low to high and high to low to add perspective to your research. CDC release date 12/22...

Created with Highcharts StatesUtahNew York
Created with Highcharts 1. Oregon 2. Alabama 3. Virginia 4. Maine 5. Kansas 6. Texas 7. Colorado 8. Indiana 9. Mississippi 10. Nebraska 11. Tennessee 12. Vermont 13. West Virginia 14. South Carolina 15. Washington 16. Arkansas 17. Missouri 18. Idaho 19. Georgia 20. Michigan 21. Louisiana 22. Iowa 23. Minnesota 24. Wisconsin 25. Illinois 26. Kentucky 27. Ohio 28. Rhode Island 29. Oklahoma 30. North Carolina 31. Delaware 32. South Dakota 33. Arizona 34. California 35. Pennsylvania 36. New Mexico 37. Montana 38. New Hampshire39. Florida 40. Massachusetts 41. Maryland 42. North Dakota 43. Connecticut 44. Hawaii 45. New Jersey 46. Nevada 47. Alaska 48. Wyoming 49. Wash DC 50. New York 51.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Final Deaths 2021 Release Date 12/22.